Danzas tradicionales de Bolivia

El folklore boliviano, es uno de los más ricos del continente americano. Existe en Bolivia tal cantidad de costumbres, leyendas, ritos, ritmos, danzas, instrumentos y tejidos, que ni los mismos bolivianos conocemos tal riqueza en su integridad...

Tradiciones folkloricas de Mexico

La musica es el conjunto de sentimientos que queremos expresar una persona. La música, como toda manifestación artística, es un producto cultural. El fin de este arte es suscitar una experiencia...

Los Carnavales en América Latina

En muchos países del mundo la celebración del carnaval es una fiesta importante y popular. Festividad muy admirada por el derroche de sensualidad, belleza, color y sobre todo mucha alegría...

La cultura folklorica de la danza tradicional ecuatoriana

Folklore es toda costumbre que se transmite de generación en generación, adaptada y modelada por el medio ambiente en que vive la gente. Son las manifestaciones comunes de la gente, especialmente de los campesinos que satisfacen las necesidades espirituales...

La inmigracion haitiana en la Rep. Dominicana - Causas y Consecuencias

Los procesos migratorios son inherentes a la especie humana. Las migraciones son tan antiguas como la humanidad y aparecen en las relaciones más antiguas de casi todas las religiones y culturas que existen...

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

New York City auto show 2013 - Jacob Javits Center


Imagenes el show internacional de automoviles  "The New York international auto show 2013", donde el publico presente  podra ver lo nuevo en  carro deportivos, los Modelos mas recientes y lo ultimo en la nueva tecnologia aplicada a los nuevos Automoviles. Tambien podran ver los clasicos, y los automoviles de lujo, hibrido, los carros electricos y una serie de vehiculos ecologicos y de bajo consumo de gasolina, en este evento seran  mostrados los modelos fabricados por las marcas mas reconocidas en el mundo del automovil..

El show de automoviles es un gran evento tanto para los entusiastas de los carros nuevos y modernos, y tambien para los  fabricantes de automoviles, dandoles  la oportunidad de  mostrarles a los consumidores  los nuevos en el mercando.

 Este evento se esta celebrando en el Centro de Convenciones , Jacob K. Javits Center, localizado en la  Eleventh Avenue, entre la calle 34th y la calle 40th,  desde 29 de marzo hasta el 7 de abril del 2013, en el boro de  Manhattan, de la Ciudad de New York  USA.

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domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

St. Patrick's Day Parade New York City 2013

The St. Patrick's Day Parade is one of New York City's greatest traditions. On this day, everyone is Irish in the Big Apple!

 Celebrating the 252st  marching of the NYC Saint Patrick's Day Parade. New York City's Saint Patrick's Day Parade is the world's  biggest and oldest St. Patrick's Day Parade.

2013 St. Patrick's Day Parade New York City
2013 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Manhattan, New York USA

St. Patrick's Day Parade New York City 2013

St. Patrick's Day Parade New York USA 2013

St. Patrick's Day Parade New York City 2013

2013 St. Patrick's Day Parade New York City

2013  New York St. Patrick's Day Parade

Saint Patrick's Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick ("the Day of the Festival of Patrick") is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on 17 March. It is named after Saint Patrick, the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland.

The first official parade in the City was held in 1766 by Irishmen in a military unit recruited to serve in the American colonies. For the first few years of its existence, the parade was organized by military units until after the war of 1812. At that point in time, Irish fraternal and beneficial societies took over the duties of hosting and sponsoring the event. In 1903, Saint Patrick's Day became an official public holiday in Ireland.

St. Patrick's Day, although not a legal holiday anywhere in the United States, is nonetheless widely recognized and celebrated throughout the country. It is primarily observed as a celebration of Irish and Irish American culture; celebrations include prominent displays of the color green, feasting, copious consumption of alcohol, religious observances, and numerous parades. The holiday has been celebrated on the North American continent since the late eighteenth century.

Originally, the color associated with Saint Patrick was blue. Over the years the color green and its association with Saint Patrick's day grew. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century. Saint Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day. en.wikipedia.org

More than 3 million onlookers are expected to show up for the annual spectacle, whose 2013 grand marshal is Alfred E. Smith IV philanthropist, former Wall Street and great-grandson of former New York governor Al Smith.

This Saturday, March 16th, 2013 from 11:00AM until approximately 5:00PM. The New York St. Patrick's Day Parade starts at 44th Street and Fifth Avenue at 11:00AM and proceeds up Fifth Avenue to 86th Street.

the Irish! With sunny weather and warm temperatures expected in many places this weekend St. Patrick?s Day celebrations will likely be bursting at the seams with merriment. Once a year, a life time chance to be an Irish for a day or two, come out and celebrate ST. Patrick's Day Parade.

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